
Aristoi Capital Management Oy is a Finnish investment service company founded in 2017 based on the prior experience of its employees.

The company holds a comprehensive license from the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority for asset management, investment advice, limited brokerage services, and other comparable or closely related activities.

In the 2023 financial statements, the company’s equity was 564,165 euros, with the regulatory minimum capital requirement of 75,000 euros, and the company is fully debt-free. The company is wholly owned by its employees. Aristoi has been awarded the ‘Strongest in Finland 2022’ certificate due to its excellent financial position.

Our strategy is to create a stable and peaceful environment that promotes rational, independent and long-term thinking. We don’t rely on others; Instead, we prefer to do the work from start to finish ourselves. An important part of our structure is an investment committee of one: Our decision-making does not suffer from groupthink, organizational boundaries or office politics. We do not try to hide our mistakes, nor do we evade responsibility.

Our company has been designed along the lines of a partnership, and that is what we aspire to be.